Wednesday, November 25, 2009


We are so thankful this Thanksgiving for all our great family, friends and for our soon to be daughter! Just a couple weeks left!
I just went for a check-up today and everything is going great so far. Baby has flipped so her head is down and her feet are kicking me in the ribs all the time. No swelling and blood pressure is perfect. I did have honey nut cheerios for breakfast this morning and I guess that was a lot of sugar because baby was super wiggly and they couldn't get her heart rate. It was around 155-150 today. So now I know not to eat anything with sugar in it before I go there.
This Thanksgiving we are going to have at our new house with both sets of our parents and grandma! We are going to go shopping for the rest of the stuff we need for the baby - essentials which I am looking forward to since I am a little worried about the stuff we still need. Plus I want to get her room finished up too so I can put pictures up... its like a little more then half way done....Its looking good though!
41 Days Left!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

6 weeks left!!!

6 weeks to go! I am getting large so that means this little one is definitely growing. And she is very wiggly all the time. I am now going to the doctor every other week which is nice that I don't half to wait a whole month to go. Last week her heart rate was lower then normal which means she is getting ready soon!! It was 148. Doctor says I am measuring right on schedule.
We picked up our cradle we are borrowing last weekend and I haven't had time to play with it yet but can't wait to get it set up soon!
Pat has been getting all her stuff put together so its ready when she arrives. Her swing and bouncer are all ready.
We also picked her pediatrician this week which is exciting. He lives in our neighborhood which will be nice. We are slowly but surly getting one thing checked off the list at a time!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

2 months left!

Yeah!!! its Nov 5th... in two months we will have our little girl here!
Its weird time has gone by fast when you think about it but then again seems like I have been pregnant forever! I am not used to being so careful and not jumping around playing contact sports.
We will be so excited when she is finally here. Her room is coming along its pretty bear right now but we will get there. I am trying to come up with some sort of theme for her room...
I have my shower this weekend which I am really looking forward to! I haven't been shopping much for her yet so I am excited to see all the cute stuff she is going to get!
At my last appointment I am supposed to start taking fetal counts. Since I am always going I don't notice it much but this little one is really active! The say that usually the times she is most busiest is when she will be when she is here. So far she is most busiest in the morning right when I get up and then pretty much from like 3pm to 6pm. She is kicking and wiggling and stretching! So we will see if this holds true.
I am getting a lot more tired lately. My 2nd trimester I had a ton of engery and felt like myself. Now I am starting to slow down and get tired a lot. Only if they allowed us to take naps at work it would be way better!
I start going to the doctor every other week now so I'll post after those appointments to see where I am. Plus we will have to get pictures up of all the cute stuff she gets this weekend at her shower!

Monday, November 2, 2009

30 weeks

What's with my hair! 30 weeks! I am in my Sunday apparel!

Baby Miller's Birthday

Well unless she decided to make her own birthday earlier which we hope not. Baby Miller's birthday is going to be January 5, 2010! We scheduled the c-section for 8:30 in the morning which means we have to get there around 6am. I am thinking there will be no way Ill be able to sleep at all the night before so the earlier the better! As of Today we have 64 days left!!!
We are hoping with the holiday's and everything time will go fast!
I got to schedule the rest of my doctor appointments until the end! I go every 2 weeks now!
We took pictures of my belly this weekend so we will get those up tonight!
30 week pictures!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Playing with our new stroller

Daddy and Frankie going on a walk around the house together!

Frankie is not sure what this thing is?

We are practicing getting around town in Baby Miller's new ride!

Baby Miller's Dresser

Here is Dad putting together her dresser!!

29 weeks!

I have a lot of pictures I want to get up... I'll have to get those up tonight! All her furniture is built and ready! And her bedding is in! We just still need a mattress!

I just had my 29 week check-up I get to start going every other week now! Yeah!!! its getting close. So far everything is measuring right on track. I took my glucose test today so I find out tomorrow if I passed I am hoping I do. I don't want to go back for the 3 hour test seems horrible! Her heartbeat this time was 153.

We also got our stroller/carseat from Grandma and Grandpa Miller. Pat put it together and we have been practicing strollering around. We just got to get the carseat installed. They want you to go to the local fire station and have them show you how to do it. But they want you to to make an appointment on a specific day only from like 10a-2p on a work day. Kinda dumb. Ill get pictures of her fancy ride up tonight too!

We can schedule our c-section too! I think its kinda funny that we get to pick her birthday! So we will figure it out tonight and get it scheduled. I can't believe its almost time!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Putting her room together!

Thanks Dad! You did a great job!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Once we have everything all put together we will post the finished product!!!

Here is her Crib and Dresser!!!

Those are just pic's off of the website. That's not her bedding :) her walls will be Pink though!

25 Weeks!

25 weeks!
I just had my 25 week appointment everything is looking good. Her heartbeat is 150. They measured my belly and its right on track just a little, little which I am fine with! I have gained 8lbs so far.
Lets see in the past couple weeks we have done a lot. We went to register for all the stuff we need. I did all my research before hand and thought I had a pretty good idea of what I was doing. It went pretty swiftly we didn't even fight too much! I was pretty good on making decisions too. Its not like silverware it just a blanket the kid is going to throw up on! So I wasn't too picky. My main problem with registering was that everything was either Blue, Pink or Green.... I am not a biggest fan of Green so we ended up getting a lot of Pink stuff. I felt bad for Pat because we were getting pink blankets and socks and there were no purples or more gender neutral colors.
We also just ordered our furniture! I am so excited!!! After much deliberation we ended up getting cherry wood. We were going to to white but in the end cherry wood was way better fit. The cribs these days convert in to toddler beds and then into full size beds which is so nice. So she should have this furniture her whole life! Now the fun part when its delivered putting it together. I bet Pat is thrilled about that. Ill get pictures of Pat working on it. He will have his happy face on :)
We are also going on vacation coming up here in less then 2 weeks! Yeah!!! So I will have some pictures of our fun times in FL. Our last vacation before the little one gets here!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

So much to do!!!

Things have definitely been progressing! Its crazy how in like two weeks how much I have grown. At around 20 weeks when we had the ultra sound I had a cute little bump. Now it is much bigger which means she is definitely growing inside there!
Its funny when Pat and I were getting married I had this checklist and was constantly referring to it and never wanted to get behind what we needed to do that week. Now the baby check list we are way behind! There are so many things you need to do and get ready for! We have less then 16 weeks left which I am sure are going to fly by!
Some of the things we need to start doing is figuring out her room. After much debate I lost and our lovely little girl is going in the pink room. We need to start looking at furniture which this is the furniture she is going to have her whole life pretty much. I want to pick something good :) We need to start figuring out registering, and I haven't done much research besides just asking friends what they researched. I printed off a list of things (can you tell I love lists) you should include on the registry and yikes there is so much! this little peanut needs a lot of stuff!
Enough about all the stuff we need to do the fun stuff.... she is getting super active lately. Its funny I'll be at work running numbers and all in the zone and then kick... kick... kick. Pat finally felt her kick last night! She has been most active when I am on my way home from work. We will take some pictures of my tummy now that its a little bigger and post them :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Its a GIRL!!!

Well we made it more then half way!!! almost 22 weeks!
We had our ultra sound this week and it was more then I expected! Pat got to finally come with me to an appointment. And Pat was actually on time and I was the one running late.
We will post pictures as soon as we can figure out our dumb scanner. Its new so I have never used it before.
When they put the ultra sound on my belly she was wiggling around the whole time. We got to see everything! Starting with her brain and all 4 parts of her heart! We counted ten toes and fingers! Its so crazy to see this little person growing inside. Her feet are on my right side so now I defiantly know that all those flutters on my side are my little girl kicking away. Her heartbeat this week was 155. The doctor said everything looked good and she and I both are healthy!
The doctor told us we can even can schedule our c-section already! We can only do one week before so it will be like January 5 or 6th probably.
My new cravings: sweets! Before being pregnant I didn't like any sweets no ice cream, no chocolate, no cookies, no bakery, no candy and now that's all I want! I think this little girl takes after her dad! In order not to go over board I have limited myself to only one treat a day! which some day's is very hard! We are going to the State Fair this weekend so I might break my rule there but we will have to get extra workouts in this weekend!

Monday, August 17, 2009


19 weeks and I have started feeling the kicks! its a weird feeling. Its just a little flutter. I was on a plane this past weekend and the baby was kicking while we were descending. Either he/she liked it or didn't like it.
I also was at my cousin Jen's baby shower this weekend. Man we are going to need a lot of stuff. And I don't even know what half of it is. Who knew you needed a peed pad for this and that and there are special nooks for each age of the kid. I also need to start lifting weights. The car seat carrier is not that light all by itself and with a kid in it. They hold up to 30lbs!
T-minus 14 days until we get to find out if its a girl or boy! We have way more girl names we agree on then boy names so this should be interesting! But I don't think we will be 100% sure until we get to meet our new little one. I am almost half way there! I am hoping the last part goes fast!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Where are my kicks?

So, I am almost 18 weeks and I am waiting for my kicks. They say anywhere between 16 and 20 weeks you start to feel the first little kicks. And considering I was a soccer player and Pat was a runner this little guy or girl should be kicking up a storm. Nothing yet but then again I keep thinking about it so probably once I stop thinking about it all the time I'll feel them. I am not the best at being patient though.
Also, I thought nesting started in your 3rd trimester. Today I got to work cleaned my whole desk including organized all my drawers even got out the cleaning supplies and wiped the whole thing down. Plus I did all the dishes at work! and all this took less then an hour! I think as everyone came into work they must have thought I went crazy! It's funny now that I think about it no one said anything , they just looked at me.. ha ha ha!!
One last thing...heart burn is a new thing, everything I eat no matter it grapes or cheese it gives me heartburn. I have had to start walking around with tums in my purse. I am afraid of eating something spicy and I love spicy food!
Okay that's about as exciting as it get's lately!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

16 Weeks!

I had my 16 week appointment today. Got to hear the heartbeat it sounds so much stronger then last time! it was wavering between 140 and 142. It just crazy because I don't feel much different and there is something growing inside me! I officially gained 2.3 pounds so far. I think laying off all the naughty stuff like fancy coffee's and beer has helped with the minimal weight gain thus far! I still am wearing most my normal clothes which is nice - I do have to say I have a limited wardrobe now though. The best part of this appointment was that at the end of it I got to make my appointment for my ultrasound to find out the sex and to make sure the baby is healthy. In the beginning of all this I was just excited to find out if it was a boy or girl now I am more nervous about making sure the baby is healthy and it has all its fingers and toes and everything is growing fine. The appointment is Aug 31 so it will be a good way to end birthday month :) I am excited Pat gets to finally come along too! I feel bad he hasn't been able to hear the heartbeat or anything yet. Poor dad's they get left out of the whole process.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Nothing to exciting yet!

I have wanted to write stuff in the blog but nothing exciting has really happened. I am 15 weeks now, almost 16 weeks! I weighed myself yesterday and I gained like a pound but it was right after lunch so who knows. I don't really look pregnant yet. I read that sometime around 16 weeks you start showing a little more. Right now the extent of my showing is that usually around 3pm everyday I want to unbutton my pants because they feel real tight! I have my next appointment next week so there will be more to share then and hopefully in the next few weeks I start to feel the baby kicking!
I will say however that I really should start making a list when I go to the grocery store. I came home on Sat with the most random stuff. Hawaiian Punch, Bacon (which I hate bacon), some sort of frozen fruit bars (a variety pack) and like 4 green peppers. So now this week I am searching for recipes we can have that have green peppers in them. We had sloppy Joe's last night that used one up!
Other then that nothing else too exciting. It should be getting more exciting soon!

Monday, July 6, 2009

We finally get to tell!

Anyone who knows me knows that keeping a secret more then a week is hard but for 3 months! We finally are able to start telling people and its so fun. Now that I think back it was really special keeping the secret with our parents and us for so long.
I am13 weeks this week and starting to feel way better, I should say more then 100% better (Pat doesn't think something can be more the 100% better) but this exaggeration definitely works for this!
Our official due date is Jan. 12 2010. Its great because its after the holidays and Pat the baby and I can just hibernate all winter togther.
I have had two appointments thus far. I had an ultrasound at 7 weeks and baby Miller didnt even look like a baby yet it was more like a alien. It was so exciting to see and I got pictures! I just have to figure out how to post them. Baby Miller's heartbeat at the time was 155. My second appointment I didnt get to see baby Miller I just heard him/her. While the nurse was searching around for it all I heard was mine and the nurse kept telling me the baby's is quiter. Then she found it, the heartbeat was so cute and tiny. This time the heartbeat was 161.
Pat and I are so happy to finally start telling all our friends and family. We cant wait until winter which I can't belive I am saying that in July! I am going to try and post things weeklyto keep everyone updated!
Until next week!