Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Once we have everything all put together we will post the finished product!!!

Here is her Crib and Dresser!!!

Those are just pic's off of the website. That's not her bedding :) her walls will be Pink though!

25 Weeks!

25 weeks!
I just had my 25 week appointment everything is looking good. Her heartbeat is 150. They measured my belly and its right on track just a little, little which I am fine with! I have gained 8lbs so far.
Lets see in the past couple weeks we have done a lot. We went to register for all the stuff we need. I did all my research before hand and thought I had a pretty good idea of what I was doing. It went pretty swiftly we didn't even fight too much! I was pretty good on making decisions too. Its not like silverware it just a blanket the kid is going to throw up on! So I wasn't too picky. My main problem with registering was that everything was either Blue, Pink or Green.... I am not a biggest fan of Green so we ended up getting a lot of Pink stuff. I felt bad for Pat because we were getting pink blankets and socks and there were no purples or more gender neutral colors.
We also just ordered our furniture! I am so excited!!! After much deliberation we ended up getting cherry wood. We were going to to white but in the end cherry wood was way better fit. The cribs these days convert in to toddler beds and then into full size beds which is so nice. So she should have this furniture her whole life! Now the fun part when its delivered putting it together. I bet Pat is thrilled about that. Ill get pictures of Pat working on it. He will have his happy face on :)
We are also going on vacation coming up here in less then 2 weeks! Yeah!!! So I will have some pictures of our fun times in FL. Our last vacation before the little one gets here!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

So much to do!!!

Things have definitely been progressing! Its crazy how in like two weeks how much I have grown. At around 20 weeks when we had the ultra sound I had a cute little bump. Now it is much bigger which means she is definitely growing inside there!
Its funny when Pat and I were getting married I had this checklist and was constantly referring to it and never wanted to get behind what we needed to do that week. Now the baby check list we are way behind! There are so many things you need to do and get ready for! We have less then 16 weeks left which I am sure are going to fly by!
Some of the things we need to start doing is figuring out her room. After much debate I lost and our lovely little girl is going in the pink room. We need to start looking at furniture which this is the furniture she is going to have her whole life pretty much. I want to pick something good :) We need to start figuring out registering, and I haven't done much research besides just asking friends what they researched. I printed off a list of things (can you tell I love lists) you should include on the registry and yikes there is so much! this little peanut needs a lot of stuff!
Enough about all the stuff we need to do the fun stuff.... she is getting super active lately. Its funny I'll be at work running numbers and all in the zone and then kick... kick... kick. Pat finally felt her kick last night! She has been most active when I am on my way home from work. We will take some pictures of my tummy now that its a little bigger and post them :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Its a GIRL!!!

Well we made it more then half way!!! almost 22 weeks!
We had our ultra sound this week and it was more then I expected! Pat got to finally come with me to an appointment. And Pat was actually on time and I was the one running late.
We will post pictures as soon as we can figure out our dumb scanner. Its new so I have never used it before.
When they put the ultra sound on my belly she was wiggling around the whole time. We got to see everything! Starting with her brain and all 4 parts of her heart! We counted ten toes and fingers! Its so crazy to see this little person growing inside. Her feet are on my right side so now I defiantly know that all those flutters on my side are my little girl kicking away. Her heartbeat this week was 155. The doctor said everything looked good and she and I both are healthy!
The doctor told us we can even can schedule our c-section already! We can only do one week before so it will be like January 5 or 6th probably.
My new cravings: sweets! Before being pregnant I didn't like any sweets no ice cream, no chocolate, no cookies, no bakery, no candy and now that's all I want! I think this little girl takes after her dad! In order not to go over board I have limited myself to only one treat a day! which some day's is very hard! We are going to the State Fair this weekend so I might break my rule there but we will have to get extra workouts in this weekend!