Wednesday, November 25, 2009


We are so thankful this Thanksgiving for all our great family, friends and for our soon to be daughter! Just a couple weeks left!
I just went for a check-up today and everything is going great so far. Baby has flipped so her head is down and her feet are kicking me in the ribs all the time. No swelling and blood pressure is perfect. I did have honey nut cheerios for breakfast this morning and I guess that was a lot of sugar because baby was super wiggly and they couldn't get her heart rate. It was around 155-150 today. So now I know not to eat anything with sugar in it before I go there.
This Thanksgiving we are going to have at our new house with both sets of our parents and grandma! We are going to go shopping for the rest of the stuff we need for the baby - essentials which I am looking forward to since I am a little worried about the stuff we still need. Plus I want to get her room finished up too so I can put pictures up... its like a little more then half way done....Its looking good though!
41 Days Left!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

6 weeks left!!!

6 weeks to go! I am getting large so that means this little one is definitely growing. And she is very wiggly all the time. I am now going to the doctor every other week which is nice that I don't half to wait a whole month to go. Last week her heart rate was lower then normal which means she is getting ready soon!! It was 148. Doctor says I am measuring right on schedule.
We picked up our cradle we are borrowing last weekend and I haven't had time to play with it yet but can't wait to get it set up soon!
Pat has been getting all her stuff put together so its ready when she arrives. Her swing and bouncer are all ready.
We also picked her pediatrician this week which is exciting. He lives in our neighborhood which will be nice. We are slowly but surly getting one thing checked off the list at a time!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

2 months left!

Yeah!!! its Nov 5th... in two months we will have our little girl here!
Its weird time has gone by fast when you think about it but then again seems like I have been pregnant forever! I am not used to being so careful and not jumping around playing contact sports.
We will be so excited when she is finally here. Her room is coming along its pretty bear right now but we will get there. I am trying to come up with some sort of theme for her room...
I have my shower this weekend which I am really looking forward to! I haven't been shopping much for her yet so I am excited to see all the cute stuff she is going to get!
At my last appointment I am supposed to start taking fetal counts. Since I am always going I don't notice it much but this little one is really active! The say that usually the times she is most busiest is when she will be when she is here. So far she is most busiest in the morning right when I get up and then pretty much from like 3pm to 6pm. She is kicking and wiggling and stretching! So we will see if this holds true.
I am getting a lot more tired lately. My 2nd trimester I had a ton of engery and felt like myself. Now I am starting to slow down and get tired a lot. Only if they allowed us to take naps at work it would be way better!
I start going to the doctor every other week now so I'll post after those appointments to see where I am. Plus we will have to get pictures up of all the cute stuff she gets this weekend at her shower!

Monday, November 2, 2009

30 weeks

What's with my hair! 30 weeks! I am in my Sunday apparel!

Baby Miller's Birthday

Well unless she decided to make her own birthday earlier which we hope not. Baby Miller's birthday is going to be January 5, 2010! We scheduled the c-section for 8:30 in the morning which means we have to get there around 6am. I am thinking there will be no way Ill be able to sleep at all the night before so the earlier the better! As of Today we have 64 days left!!!
We are hoping with the holiday's and everything time will go fast!
I got to schedule the rest of my doctor appointments until the end! I go every 2 weeks now!
We took pictures of my belly this weekend so we will get those up tonight!
30 week pictures!