Thursday, July 30, 2009

16 Weeks!

I had my 16 week appointment today. Got to hear the heartbeat it sounds so much stronger then last time! it was wavering between 140 and 142. It just crazy because I don't feel much different and there is something growing inside me! I officially gained 2.3 pounds so far. I think laying off all the naughty stuff like fancy coffee's and beer has helped with the minimal weight gain thus far! I still am wearing most my normal clothes which is nice - I do have to say I have a limited wardrobe now though. The best part of this appointment was that at the end of it I got to make my appointment for my ultrasound to find out the sex and to make sure the baby is healthy. In the beginning of all this I was just excited to find out if it was a boy or girl now I am more nervous about making sure the baby is healthy and it has all its fingers and toes and everything is growing fine. The appointment is Aug 31 so it will be a good way to end birthday month :) I am excited Pat gets to finally come along too! I feel bad he hasn't been able to hear the heartbeat or anything yet. Poor dad's they get left out of the whole process.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Nothing to exciting yet!

I have wanted to write stuff in the blog but nothing exciting has really happened. I am 15 weeks now, almost 16 weeks! I weighed myself yesterday and I gained like a pound but it was right after lunch so who knows. I don't really look pregnant yet. I read that sometime around 16 weeks you start showing a little more. Right now the extent of my showing is that usually around 3pm everyday I want to unbutton my pants because they feel real tight! I have my next appointment next week so there will be more to share then and hopefully in the next few weeks I start to feel the baby kicking!
I will say however that I really should start making a list when I go to the grocery store. I came home on Sat with the most random stuff. Hawaiian Punch, Bacon (which I hate bacon), some sort of frozen fruit bars (a variety pack) and like 4 green peppers. So now this week I am searching for recipes we can have that have green peppers in them. We had sloppy Joe's last night that used one up!
Other then that nothing else too exciting. It should be getting more exciting soon!

Monday, July 6, 2009

We finally get to tell!

Anyone who knows me knows that keeping a secret more then a week is hard but for 3 months! We finally are able to start telling people and its so fun. Now that I think back it was really special keeping the secret with our parents and us for so long.
I am13 weeks this week and starting to feel way better, I should say more then 100% better (Pat doesn't think something can be more the 100% better) but this exaggeration definitely works for this!
Our official due date is Jan. 12 2010. Its great because its after the holidays and Pat the baby and I can just hibernate all winter togther.
I have had two appointments thus far. I had an ultrasound at 7 weeks and baby Miller didnt even look like a baby yet it was more like a alien. It was so exciting to see and I got pictures! I just have to figure out how to post them. Baby Miller's heartbeat at the time was 155. My second appointment I didnt get to see baby Miller I just heard him/her. While the nurse was searching around for it all I heard was mine and the nurse kept telling me the baby's is quiter. Then she found it, the heartbeat was so cute and tiny. This time the heartbeat was 161.
Pat and I are so happy to finally start telling all our friends and family. We cant wait until winter which I can't belive I am saying that in July! I am going to try and post things weeklyto keep everyone updated!
Until next week!