Monday, August 17, 2009


19 weeks and I have started feeling the kicks! its a weird feeling. Its just a little flutter. I was on a plane this past weekend and the baby was kicking while we were descending. Either he/she liked it or didn't like it.
I also was at my cousin Jen's baby shower this weekend. Man we are going to need a lot of stuff. And I don't even know what half of it is. Who knew you needed a peed pad for this and that and there are special nooks for each age of the kid. I also need to start lifting weights. The car seat carrier is not that light all by itself and with a kid in it. They hold up to 30lbs!
T-minus 14 days until we get to find out if its a girl or boy! We have way more girl names we agree on then boy names so this should be interesting! But I don't think we will be 100% sure until we get to meet our new little one. I am almost half way there! I am hoping the last part goes fast!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Where are my kicks?

So, I am almost 18 weeks and I am waiting for my kicks. They say anywhere between 16 and 20 weeks you start to feel the first little kicks. And considering I was a soccer player and Pat was a runner this little guy or girl should be kicking up a storm. Nothing yet but then again I keep thinking about it so probably once I stop thinking about it all the time I'll feel them. I am not the best at being patient though.
Also, I thought nesting started in your 3rd trimester. Today I got to work cleaned my whole desk including organized all my drawers even got out the cleaning supplies and wiped the whole thing down. Plus I did all the dishes at work! and all this took less then an hour! I think as everyone came into work they must have thought I went crazy! It's funny now that I think about it no one said anything , they just looked at me.. ha ha ha!!
One last thing...heart burn is a new thing, everything I eat no matter it grapes or cheese it gives me heartburn. I have had to start walking around with tums in my purse. I am afraid of eating something spicy and I love spicy food!
Okay that's about as exciting as it get's lately!